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Form Instructions 7004 for Salt Lake Utah: What You Should Know
A corporation that has a separate EIN may need to file another state corporation return to have the EIN entered the Utah state corporate return. The Em-player Identification Number (EIN) is a nine (9) digit number assigned by the U.S. federal government. The nine (9) digit number is assigned to a person (individual, the employee named on the return, or a partnership) and must be known to the person listed on the return. The IRS uses this number to assist in the filing of a false return. The nine (9) digit number is also used to help identify individuals who have purchased or used a counterfeit version of the EIN. An EIN can be obtained by going to the U.S. Department of Treasury's International Business Data Center (ISAAC) website and making an appointment. An EIN will include the last four (4) digits of your Social Security or driver's license number. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection has an EIN number if you are shipping or transporting goods over 11,000 on a federal form 1120 which is called Form 8300-B. After you have completed the application and have received your EIN, you need to obtain a certified copy of the U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number for the return. The EIN is not the same as the Taxpayer Identification Number. The Taxpayer Identification Number is a nine (9) digit number assigned by the IRS and a federal identification number. The nine (9) digit number is assigned to each person (individual, the employee named on the return, or a partnership) who needs to file a federal tax return and will be used for federal identification and reporting to the IRS. An EIN does not need to be on file to file a return. All you need to file a return is an EIN (see form 7029-S). The IRS only assigns a “Taxpayer Identification Number” to people who need to file tax returns for personal income tax, social security, and Medicare taxes. No U.S. taxpayer identification number is assigned to a corporation. This is because, under present law, a corporation does not file a federal tax return unless, in order to do so, a U.S. taxpayer identity number must accompany the returns. The IRS has no statutory authority to assign a corporation a taxpayer identification number, and it would be improper for the IRS to do so.
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